About Eduard Campillo-Funollet

About ecampillo.com

ecampillo.com is the personal website of Eduard Campillo-Funollet. It is a showcase of ideas and results on the value of mathematics for problems across many areas of knowledge. Furthermore, ecampillo.com also contains updates on my research projects and activities.

The website is divided in three main sections. First of all, in the Notebook you will find my thoughts on how mathematics provide new insights into various problems. Another section is devoted to Research. It contains updates on my research projects and activities. Last but not least, the Outreach section aims to present mathematics and science to the public. I write about my results, but I also explain and discuss science papers by other authors.


When I read an article, when I attend a science talk, or simply when I wander observing the world, I often write down notes on how maths could help to deal with a problem or question. Sooner or later, some of the notes will grow to research projects, others will lead to some fun. But many times, a note will just remain buried in my notebook. Quite often, the turning point for a note to go from forgotten to full-project is just sharing.

To share ideas is a pillar of the progress in any area of knowledge. Therefore, I believe that we can achieve more if we work like a network of linked minds. And we can achieve it faster. I thus create ecampillo.com to share my ideas with anyone with interest in maths, science and data analysis.

About Eduard Campillo-Funollet

Eduard Campillo-Funollet

My name is Eduard Campillo-Funollet. I am mathematician focused on problems on the interface between mathematics and experimental sciences. I design and use mathematical tools to bridge the gap between mathematical models and real-world observations. My goal is to provide rigorous ways to understand data and to acquire new information. I also write outreach papers about maths and science.

If you would like to know more about me, you can check my Linkedin profile. You can also say “Hello” to me on TwitterHere you can find my profile at the University of Sussex.